Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6 Chapter 1 Integers Exercise 1.2 Answer Key

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6 California 1st Edition Chapter 1 Integers Exercise 1.2 Answer Key

Page 3 Problem 1, Answer

Given: 10? -2 Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is

From the number line, 10 is to the right of -2. So, 10>−2.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 1 page 3

Thus, 10>−2.

Page 3 Problem 2, Answer

Given: 0? 3.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 2

From the number line, 0 is to the left of 3.So, 0<3.

Page 3 Problem 3, Answer

Given: −5?0.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is
From the number line, -5 is to the left of 0.So, −5<0.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 3

Thus, −5<0.

Page 3 Problem 4, Answer

Given: −7?6.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6 Chapter 1 Integers Exercise 1.2 Answer Key

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 4

From the number line, -7 is to the left of 6.So, −7<6

Thus, −7<6.

Page 3 Problem 5 , Answer

Given: −6?−9.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is

From the number line, -6 is to the right of -9. So, −6>−9.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 5

Thus, −6>−9.

Page 3 Problem 6, Answer

Given: −8?−10.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is

From the number line, -8 is to the right of -10. So, −8>−10.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 6

Thus, −8>−10.

Page 3 Problem 7, Answer

Given: 5,−2,6.

Order the integers in each set from least to greatest.Use the number line to order the integers.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right. So, the integers in order from least to greatest are −2,5,6.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 7

Thus, the Order of Integers from least to greatest is −2,5,6.

Page 3 Problem 8, Answer

Given: 0,9,-3. Order the integers in each set from least to greatest.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right. So, the integers in order from least to greatest are −3,0,9.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 8

Thus, the Order of Integers from least to greatest is −3,0,9.

Page 3 Problem 9, Answer

Given: -1,6,1.Order the integers in each set from least to greatest.Use the number line to order the integers.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right. So, the integers in order from least to greatest are −1,1,6.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 9
Thus, the Order of Integers from least to greatest is −1,1,6.

Page 3 Problem 10 , Answer

Given: -1,1,0.Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 1,0,−1.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 10

Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 1,0,−1.

Page 3 Problem 11, Answer

Given: −12,2,1.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 2,1,−12.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 11

Page 3 Problem 12, Answer

Given: −10,−12,−11.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are −10,−11,−12.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 12

Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is −10,−11,−12.

Page 3 Problem 13, Answer

Given: 205,−20,−5,50.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left.So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 205,50,−5,−20.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 13

Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 205,50,−5,−20.

Page 3 Problem, 14 Answer

Given: -78, -89, 78, 9.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 78,9,−78,−89

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 14
Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 78,9,−78,−89.

Page 3 Problem 15, Answer

Given: -55, -2, -60, 0.Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 0,−2,−55,−60.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 15

Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 0,−2,−55,−60.

Page 3 Problem 16, Answer

Given: 28, 8, -8, 0.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 28,8,0,−8.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 16

Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 28,8,0,−8

Page 3 Problem 17, Answer

Given: 37, -37, -38, 38.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left.So, the integers in order from greatest to least are 38,37,−37,−38.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 17
Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 38,37,−37,−38.

Page 3 Problem 18, Answer

Given: -111, -1, 1, 11.

Order the integers in each set from greatest to least.

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from right to left. So, the integers in order from greatest to least are11,1,−1,−111.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers problem 18

Thus, the Order of Integers from greatest to least is 11,1,−1,−111

Page 3 Problem 19, Answer

Given: Four friends went scuba diving today. Ali dove 70 feet, Tim went down 50 feet, Carl dove 65 feet, and Brenda reached 48 feet below sea level. Write the 4 friends’ names in order from the person whose depth was closest to the surface to the person whose depth was the farthest from the surface.

Here Ali dove 70 feet, Tim went down 50 feet, Carl dove 65 feet, and Brenda reached 48 feet below sea level. We know that 48<50<65<70.

So, from the given, the order from the person whose depth was closest to the surface to the person whose depth was the farthest from the surface is
Brenda, Tim, Carl, Ali.

The order from the person whose depth was closest to the surface to the person whose depth was the farthest from the surface is Brenda, Tim, Carl, Ali.

Page 3 Problem 20, Answer

Given: The temperatures on Monday and Tuesday were opposites.
The temperature on Wednesday was neither positive nor negative.
The temperature dropped below zero on Monday. To find: Write the 3 days in order from the highest to the lowest temperature.

We know that Monday and Tuesday were opposites and Monday dropped below zero. so, Tuesday had the highest temperature. Wednesday wasn’t positive or negative so it would be exactly zero. Monday dropped below zero so it had the lowest temperature. So, the order from the highest to the lowest temperature is Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday.

The 3 days in order from the highest to the lowest temperature are Tuesday, Wednesday, Monday.

Page 4 Exercise 1 Answer

Given: 1? −4. Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.

The number line is From the number line, 1 is to the right of -4. So, 1>−4.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 1

Thus, 1>−4.

Page 4 Exercise 2 Answer

Given: −5? −2.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is
From the number line, -5 is to the left of -2. So, −5<−2.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 2

Thus, −5<−2.

Page 4 Exercise 3 Answer

Given: −3?2.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is
From the number line, -3 is to the left of 2. So, −3<2.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 3

Thus, −3<2.

Page 4 Exercise 4 Answer

Given: −1? −4.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is

From the number line, -1 is to the right of -4.So, −1>−4.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 4
Thus, −1>−4.

Page 4 Exercise 5 Answer

Given: 5? 0.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.ExplanationThe number line is
From the number line, 5 is to the right of 0. So, 5>0

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 5

Thus, 5>0.

Page 4 Exercise 6 Answer

Given: −2?3.

Use the number line to compare each pair of integers. Write < or >.Explanation The number line is From the number line, -2 is to the left of 3. So, −2<3

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 6

Thus, −2<3

Page 4 Exercise 7 Answer

Given: −2,−5,1.

Order the integers from least to greatest.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 7

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right. So, the integers in order from least to greatest are −5,−2,−1.

Thus, the Order of Integers from least to greatest is −5,−2,−1.

Page 4 Exercise 8 Answer

Order the integers from least to greatest.

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 8

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right.So, the integers in order from least to greatest are−5,0,5.

Thus, the Order of Integers from least to greatest is−5,0,5.

Page 4 Exercise 9 Answer

Order the integers from least to greatest. The given integers are−5,2,−3and the number line is

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 9

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right. So, the integers in order from least to greatest are -5,−3,2.

Hence the integers in order from least to greatest are−5,−3,2.

Page 4 Exercise 10 Answer

Order the integers from least to greatest. The given integers are3,−1,−4 and the number line is

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 10
List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right.

So, the integers in order from least to greatest are−4,−1,3.Hence the integers in order from least to greatest are−4,−1,3

Page 4 Exercise 11 Answer

Order the integers from least to greatest.

The given integers are3,−5,0, and the number line is

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 11

List all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right.
So, the integers in order from least to greatest are−5,0,3

Hence the integers in order from least to greatest are−5,0,3

Page 4 Exercise 12 Answer


Order the integers from least to greatest.

The given integers are−2,−4,1 and the number line is

Go Math! Practice Fluency Workbook Grade 6, California 1st Edition, Chapter 1 Integers exercise 12

list all the numbers in the order in which they appear from left to right. So, the integers in order from least to greatest are−4,−2,1

Hence the integers in order from least to greatest are−4,−2,1.

Go Math Answer Key


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