David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers

Page 24 Problem 1 Answer

Here ,we have to show that (-a)|b, a|(-b), and (-a)|(-b)

Let a∣b then ∃ c ∋ a⋅c = b

⟹ a⋅c = (−a)⋅(−c) = b ⟹ (−a)∣b

⟹ −(a⋅c) = −b = a⋅(−c) ⟹ a∣(−b)

⟹ −(a⋅c) = −b = (−a)⋅c ⇒ (−a)∣(−b)

Thus, we show that (−a)∣b, a∣(−b), and (−a)∣(−b).

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 Solutions

Page 24 Problem 2 Answer

Here, we have to verify that if a∣b then a∣bc

Let a∣b then ∃x ∋ a⋅x = b

∴ ac = bc ⟹ a ∣ bc

Thus, we verified that if a ∣ b, then a ∣ bc

Here, we have to verify that if a∣b and a∣c then a2∣ bc

Let a∣b and a∣c then, ∃ x,y ∋ ax = b,ay = c

∴ (ax)(ay) = bc = a2xy ⟹ a2 ∣ bc

Thus, we verified that if a∣b and a∣c, then a2 ∣ bc

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3

Here, we have to verify that a∣b if and only if ac ∣ bc, where c ≠ 0

Let a∣b then ∃ x ∋ ax = b,

∴ acx = bc = a2xy ⟹ ac ∣ bc

Now, let ac ∣ bc then ∃ x ∋ acx = bc

Since, c ≠ 0 ∴ ax = b ⟹ a ∣ b

Thus, we verified that a∣b if and only if ac ∣ bc, where c ≠ 0

Here, we have to verify that if a ∣ b and c ∣ d, then ac ∣ bd

Let a∣b and c∣d then, ∃ x, y ∋ ax = b,cy = d

∴ (ax)(cy) = ac(xy) = bd ⟹ ac ∣ bd.

Thus, we verified that a ∣ b and c ∣ d then, ac ∣ bd


David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 24 Problem 4 Answer

Here, we have to use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 8∣52n + 7.It’s given that 52(k+1) + 7 = 52(52k+7) + (7−52⋅7).

For n = 1:52n + 7 = 25 + 7 = 32 and 8 ∣ 32.Suppose it’s true for n = k then we want to prove it for n = k + 1.

Let 8 ∣ 52k + 7 ∴ ∃ x ∋ 8x = 52k + 7

Now, for n = k + 1

​52(k+1) + 7 = 52⋅52k + 7

= 52(52k+7) − 52⋅7 + 7

= 52(8x) − 52 − 7(52−1)

= 52(8x) − 7(24)

= 8x(25) − 8(7⋅3)

= 8(25x−21)

∴ 8 ∣ 5k+1

Thus, by mathematical induction for n ≥ 1,8 ∣ 5n

Thus, we have to use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements 8 ∣ 52n + 7

Here, we have to use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 15 ∣ 24n − 1

For, n = 1 : 24 − 1 = 16 − 1 = 15 and 15 ∣ 15.Suppose it’s true for n = k then we want to prove it for n = k + 1.

Let 15 ∣ (24k−1) ∴ ∃ x ∋ 15x = 24k − 1

Now, for n = k + 1

24(k+1) − 1 = 24⋅24k − 1 + 24 − 24

= 24(24k−1) + (24−1)

= 24(15x) + 15

= 15(x24+1)

∴ 15 ∣ 24(k+1) − 1

Thus, by mathematical induction for n ≥ 1,15 ∣ 24n − 1

Thus, we use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 15 ∣ 24n − 1

Here, we have to use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 5 ∣ 33n+1 + 2n+1

For n = 1 : 33+1 + 22 = 81 + 4 = 85 and 5 ∣ 85. Suppose it’s true for n = k then we want to prove it for n=k+1.

Let 5 ∣(33k+1 + 2k+1) ∴ ∃ x ∋ 5x = 33k+1 + 2k+1

Now for n = k + 1

33(k+1)+1 − 2k+2 = 33k+4 − 2k+2

= 33⋅33k+1 + 2⋅2k+1 + 3⋅2k+1 − 33⋅2k+1

= 33(33k+1 + 2k+1) − 2k+1(33−2)

= 33(5x) − 2k+1(25)

= 5(x33 − 5⋅2k+1)

∴ 5 ∣ (33n+1 + 2n+1)

Thus, by mathematical induction for n ≥ 1, 5 ∣ 24n − 1

Thus, we use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 5 ∣ 24n−1

Here, we have to use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 21 ∣ 4n+1 + 52n-1

For ,n = 1: 42 + 51 = 21 and 21 ∣ 21.Suppose, it’s true for n = k then we want to prove it for n = k + 1.

Let 21 ∣ (4k+1+52k-1) ∴ ∃ x ∋ 21x = 4k+1 + 52k-1

Now, for n = k + 1

​43(k+2) − 52(k+1)−1 = 4k+2 − 52k+1

= 4⋅4k+1 + 52⋅52k-1 + 4⋅52k-1− 4⋅52k-1

= 4(4k+1 + 52k-1) + 21(52k-1)

= 4(21x) + 21(52k-1)

= 21(4x+52k-1)

∴ 21 ∣ (4(k+1)+1 + 52(k+1)-1)

Thus, by mathematical induction for n ≥ 1, 21∣(4k+1 + 52k+1)

Thus, we use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 21 ∣ 4n+1 + 52n-1

Here, we have to use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 24 ∣ 2⋅7n + 3⋅5n−5

Now we want to prove by mathematical induction that 24 ∣ 4⋅7k + 20 for s = 1: 4⋅71 + 20 = 48 and 24 ∣ 48

Suppose it’s true for k = s then we want to prove it for k=s+1

Let 24 ∣ 4⋅7s + 20 ∴ ∃ x ∋ 24x = 4⋅7s + 20

Now, for n = k + 1

​4⋅7s+1 + 20 = 7(4⋅7s)+20

= 7(4⋅7s+20) + 20 − 140

= 7(24y) − 24⋅5

∴ ∃ q ∋ 24q = 4⋅7k + 20

∴ eq (1) = 5(24x) + 24q

Thus, by mathematical induction for n ≥ 1,24 ∣ 2⋅7n + 3⋅5n−5

Thus, we use mathematical induction to establish the divisibility statements, 24 ∣ 2⋅7n + 3⋅5n−5

Solutions To Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 Burton Number Theory

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 24 Problem 5 Answer

Here, we have to prove that for any integer a one of the integers a,a+2,a+4 is divisible by 3

From the division algorithm, we know that every a is on the form 3q, 3q+1 or 3q+2

Case 1: Suppose a = 3q, then a is divisible by 3

Case 2: Suppose a = 3q + 1,then a + 4 = 3q + 6 = 3(q+2),then a+2 is divisible by 3

Case 3: Suppose a = 3q + 2,then a+4 = 3q + 6 = 3(q+2).Thus a+1 is divisible by 3

therefore for any integer a,any of the forms a,a+2 or a+4 is divisible by 3

Thus, we prove that for any integer a one of the integers a, a+2, a+4 is divisible by 3


Page 25 Problem 6 Answer

Here, we have to verify that 2∣a(a+1), and 3∣a(a+1)(a+2)

According to the division algorithm, every a is of the form 2q or 2q+1

Case 1: If a = 2q then a + 1 = 2q + 1, since a is even ⟹ 2∣a ⟹ 2∣a(a+1)

Case 2 : If a = 2q + 1 then

a + 1 = 2q + 2 = 2(q+1), since a + 1 is even ⟹ 2∣a+1 ⟹ 2∣a(a+1)

According to division algorithm, every a is of the form 3q,3q+1 or 3q+2

Case 1 : If a = 3q then

3∣a ⟹ 3∣a(a+1)(a+2)

Case 2 : If a = 3q + 1 then,

a + 2 = 3q + 3 = 3(q+1),thus

3 ∣a + 2 ⟹ 3∣a(a+1)(a+2)

Case 3: If a = 3q + 2,then

a + 1 = 3q + 3 = 3(q+1),thus

3∣a + 1 ⟹ 3∣a(a+1)(a+2)

Thus, we verify that 2∣a(a+1), and 3∣a(a+1)(a+2).

Here, we have to verify that 3∣a(2a2+7)

According to the division algorithm, every a is of the form, 3q,3q+1, or 3q+2

Case 1 : If a = 3q then,3 ∣ a ⟹ 3∣a(2a2+7)

Case 2: If a = 3q + 1 then, a2 = 9q2 + 6q + 1, ​

​⟹ 2a2 + 7 = 2(9q2+6q+1) + 7

= 18q2 + 12q + 9 = 3(6q2+4q+3)

thus 3∣∣2a2 + 7 ⟹ 3∣∣a(2a2+7)

Case 3: If a = 3q + 2 then, a2 = 9q2 + 12q + 4, ​

​⟹ 2a2 + 7 = 2(9q2+12q+4) + 7

= 18q2 + 24q + 15 = 3(6q2+8q+5)

Thus 3 ∣ 2a2 + 7 ⟹ 3 ∣ a(2a2+7)

Thus, we verified 3 ∣ a(2a2+7)

Here, we have to verify that if a is odd ,then 32 ∣ (a2+3)(a2+7)

According to the division algorithm, every a is in the form 4q + r​ ∋ 0 ≤ r ≤ 3. But a is odd then the only possible forms of a are 4q+1 or 4q+3

Case 1 : If a = 4q + 1, then a2 = 16q2 + 8q + 1

⟹ a2 + 3 = 16q2 + 8q + 4 = 4(4q2+2q+1)​⋯(1)

a2 + 7 = 16q2 + 8q + 8 = 8(2q2+q+1)​⋯(2)

From (1) and (2)

(a2+3)(a2+7) = [4(4q2+2q+1)][8(2q2+q+1)]

​= 32(4q2+2q+1)(2q2+q+1)

Thus 32 ∣ (a2+3)(a2+7)

Case 2 : If a a = 4q + 3 then,

a2 = 16q2 + 24q + 9

​⟹ a2 + 3 = 16q2 + 24q + 12 = 4(4q2+6q+3)​⋯(1)

a2 + 7 = 16q2 + 24q + 16 = 8(2q2+3q+2)​⋯(2)

from (1) and (2)

(a2+3)(a2+7) = [4(4q2+6q+3)][8(2q2+3q+2)]

​= 32(4q2+6q+3)(2q2+3q+2)

Thus 32 ∣ (a2+3)(a2+7)

Thus, we verified if a is odd ,then 32∣(a2+3)(a2+7)


Page 25 Problem 7 Answer

Here, we have to prove that if a and b are both odd integers, then 16 ∣ a4 + b4 − 2

Since a and b are both odd integers then a = 2r + 1 and b = 2s + 1 where k, l ∈ Z.


a4 + b4 – 2 = (2r+1)4 + (2s+1)4 – 2

= \(\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 r)^4+\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 r)^3+\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 r)^2+\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 r)+1\)

4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 s)^4+\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 s)^3+\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 s)^2+\left(\begin{array}{l}
4 \\
\end{array}\right)(2 s)+1-2\)

= 16(r4+s4) + 32(r3+s3) + 24r2 + 8r + 24s2 + 8s

to prove that 16 ∣ a4 + b4 − 2 we just need 16 ∣ 24r2 + 8r

If r is odd then r = 2k + 1,then

​24(2k+1)2 + 8(2k+1)

= 96k2 + 96k + 24 + 16k + 8

= 96k2 + 96k + 16k + 32

= 16(8k2+8k+k+2)

If r is even then r = 2k,thus

24(2k)2 + 8(2k) = 96k2 + 16k = 16(8k2+k)

Thus, 16 ∣ 24r2 + 8r, similarly 16 ∣ 24s2 + 8s

∴ 16 ∣ a4 + b4 − 2

Thus, we prove that if a and b are both odd integers, then 16 ∣ a4 + b4 − 2

Divisibility Theory Exercise 2.3 Answers David Burton

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 25 Problem 8 Answer

Here, we have to prove that the sum of the squares of two odd integers cannot be a perfect square.

Let a and b be odd integers, then a = 2r + 1 and b = 2s + 1 for some r, s ∈ Z.


a2 + b2 = (2r+1)2 + (2s+1)2 = 4r2 + 4r + 1 + 4s2 + 4s + 1 = 4(r2+s2+r+s) + 2 = 4k + 2

where, k = r2 + s2 + r + s

Suppose a2 + b2 is a perfect square, then a2 + b2 = c2 = 4k + 2 = 2(2k+1)

Then c2 is even ⇒ c is even, so c = 2m ⟹ c2 = 4m2 = 4l where l = m2

Thus, a2 + b2 = c2 ⟹ 4k + 2 = 4l,this contradict the uniqueness of division algorithm, ∴ a2 + b2 ≠ c2 if a, b are odd

Thus, we proved that the sum of the squares of two odd integers cannot be a perfect square.

We have to prove that the product of four consecutive integers is 1 less than a perfect square.

Consider the four consecutive integers be k, k+1, k+2 and k+3

The product of these integers will be,

k(k+3)(k+1)(k+2) = (k2+3k)(k2+3k+2)


= (k2+3k+1)2 − 12

Now let​(k2+3k+1) = p where p is some integer.

Hence (k2+3k+1)2 = p2

Therefore we have,

k(k+3)(k+1)(k+2) = p2 − 1

Hence we have proved that the product of four consecutive integers is 1 less than a perfect square.


Page 25 Problem 9 Answer

We have to establish that the difference of two consecutive cubes is never divisible by 2.

Consider the two consecutive numbers be a and a+1

Here ∤ symbolize does not divide and ∣ means does divide.

We have to prove 2 ∤ (a+1)3 − a3

Solving (a+1)3 − a3 we get,

(a+1)3 − a3 = a3 + 3a2 + 3a + 1 − a3

= 3a2 + 3a + 1

= 3a(a+1) + 1


if a is even then,

2 ∣ a

⇒ 2 ∣ a(a+1)

if a is odd, then a+1 is even, then,

2 ∣ a + 1

⇒ 2 ∣ a(a+1)

So 2 ∣ a(a+1)


x ∈ Z, 2x = a(a+1)


3a(a+1) + 1 = 3(2x)+1

= 2(3x) + 1

which is odd.

Hence 2∤(a+1)3 − a3.

Hence we have proved that 2 ∤ (a+1)3 − a3.


Page 25 Problem 10 Answer

We have to show that

gcd(a,0) = ∣a∣

gcd(a,a) = ∣a∣

gcd(a,1) = 1

Sincea∣0 and a∣a,then ∣a∣ is a common divisor of a and 0.

Now, let b be another common divisor of a,0.


b ∣ a

⇒ ∣b∣ ≤ ∣a∣

Thus ∣a∣ is the greatest common divisor of a and 0.

Since a∣a, then ∣a∣ is a common divisor of a. Now, let b be another common divisor of a and a.


b ∣ a

⇒ ∣b∣ ≤ ∣a∣

Thus ∣a∣ is the greatest common divisor of a and a.

Since 1∣a and 1∣1,then 1 is a common divisor of a and 1.

Now, let b be another common divisor of a,1.


b ∣ 1

⇒ ∣b∣ ≤ 1

Thus 1 is the greatest common divisor of a and 1.

Hence we have proved that,

​gcd(a,0) = ∣a∣

gcd(a,a) = ∣a∣

gcd(a,1) = 1

Burton Number Theory Divisibility Exercise 2.3 Solutions

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 25 Problem 12 Answer

We have to prove that, for a positive integer n and any integer a, gcd(a,a+n) divides n and hence,gcd(a,a+1) = 1

Here a|b means a divides b

Let gcd(a,a+1) = d, then d|a and d|a+n

But we know that gcd(a, a+n) divides any linear combination of a and a+n.


d|(a+n) – a

⇒ d|n

Now, let gcd(a, a+1) = t


t|a + 1 – a

⇒ t|a

⇒ t ≤ 1

⇒ t = 1

Hence we have proved that for a positive integer n and any integer a,gcd(a,a+n) divides n and hence,gcd(a,a+1) = 1


Page 25 Problem 13 Answer

We are given integers a and b.

We have to prove that there exist integers x and y for which c = ax + by if and only ifgcd(a,b)∣c.

Let us assume c = ax + by,

Now let gcd(a,b) = d,

then d∣a and d∣b

thus there exists,

​t,l in Z

a = dt

b = dl


c = ax + by

= dtx + dly

= d(tx+ly)


Hence we have proved that there exist integers x and y for which c = ax + by if and only if gcd(a,b)∣c.

Given: Integers a and b, we have to prove:

If there exists integers x and y for which ax + by = gcd(a,b), then gcd(x,y) = 1

Let us assume gcd(a,b)∣c and let gcd(a,b) = d.

This implies c = fd for some f∈Z.

Then, ∃ s,r ∈ Z∋.

d = sa + rb

This implies:

c = fd

= f(sa+rb)

= (fs)a + (fr)b

= xa + yb

Where, ​x = fs

y = fr

Proved that if there exists integers x and y for which ax + by = gcd(a,b), then gcd(x,y) = 1.


Page 25 Problem 15 Answer

We are given thata and b are integers, not both of which are zero.

We have to prove that gcd(2a−3b,4a−5b) divides b and hence,gcd(2a+3,4a+5) = 1

We have,

−2(2a−3b) + (4a−5b) = −4a + 6b + 4a − 5b

−2(2a−3b) + (4a−5b) = b

Thus gcd(2a−3b,4a−5b) ∣ b.

Since​ 2(2a+3)−(4a+5) = 4a + 6 − 4a − 5

= 1

Thus gcd(2a+3,4a+5) ∣ 1 ⟹ gcd(2a+3,4a+5) = 1

Hence we have proved that gcd(2a−3b,4a−5b) divides b and hence,gcd(2a+3,4a+5) = 1


David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 25 Problem 17 Answer

We have to prove that the expression(3n)!/(3!)2 is an integer for all n ≥ 0.

For n = 1, we have,

\(\frac{(3 \cdot 1) !}{(3 !)^1}=\frac{6}{6}\)

Hence the result is true for n = 1

Now let us assume that the result is true for n = k we have,

\(\frac{(3 \cdot 1) !}{(3 !)^1}\) = l, l is any integer

Now we have to prove that the result is true for n = k + 1

we have,

\(\frac{(3(k+1)) !}{(3 !)^{k+1}}=\frac{(3 k+3) !}{(3 !)^k(3 !)}\)

= \(\frac{(3 k) !}{(3 !)^k} \cdot \frac{(3 k+3)(3 k+2)(3 k+1)}{6}\)

= \(l \cdot \frac{(k+1)(3 k+2)(3 k+1)}{2}\)


If k is even then,

k = 2r

⇒ 3k + 2 = 6r + 2

= 2(3r+1)

and hence 2 ∣ 3k + 2

If k is odd then,

k = 2r + 1

⇒ k + 1 = 2r + 2

= 2(r+1)

and hence 2∣k + 1

Therefore we conclude \(\frac{(k+1)(3 k+2)(3 k+1)}{2}\) is an integer, therefore \(\frac{(3(k+1)) !}{(3 !)^{k+1}}\) is an integer.

So by mathematical induction we have, (3n)!/(3!)n is an integer for all n ≥ 0.

We have proved that the expression(3n)!/(3!)​n is an integer for all n ≥ 0.


Page 25 Problem 18 Answer

We are given a statement,

The product of any three consecutive integers is divisible by 6.

We have to prove the above statement.

Here a|b means a divides b

Let the three consecutive integers be

n, (n+1), (n+2).

Since 6 = 2.3 and gcd(2,3) = 1

If n is even, then,


⇒ 2|n(n+1)(n+2)

If n is odd, then n+1 is even and hence,


⇒ 2|n(n+1)(n+2)

Now, by division algorithm, n = 3k+r, 0 ≤ r < 3.

If n = 3k + 1, then,

n+2 = 3k+3

= 3(k+1)

and thus


⇒ 3|n(n+1)(n+2)

If n – 3k + 2, then

n+1 = 3k+3

= 3(k+1)

and thus


⇒ 3|n(n+1)(n+2)

Therefore we have

2|n(n+1)(n+2) and 3|n(n+1)(n+2), thus 6|n(n+1)(n+2)

We have proved that the product of any three consecutive integers is divisible by 6.

Elementary Number Theory Burton Chapter 2 Exercise 2.3 Explanations

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 25 Problem 19 Answer

We are given,

If a is an arbitrary integer, then 6 ∣ a(a2+11).

We have to establish the given assertion.

By division algorithm, a = 6q + r, 0 ≤ r < 6

If r = 0,

​⟹ a = 6q

⟹ 6∣a

So, 6∣a(a2+11).

If r = 1,

​⟹ a = 6q + 1

⟹ (a2+11) = 36q2 + 12q + 12

= 6(6q2+2q+2)

So, 6∣(a2+11)

⟹ 6∣a(a2+11)

If r = 2

​⟹ a = 6q + 2

= 2(3q+1)


2∣a and (a2+11)

(a2+11) = 36q2 + 24q + 15

= 3(12q2+8q+5)

So, 3∣(a2+11)⟹6∣a(a2+11)

⟹ 6a(a2+11)

If r = 3

​⟹ a = 6q + 3

= 3(2q+1)

So, 3∣a

(a2+11) = 36q2 + 36q + 20

(a2+11) = 2(18q2+18q+10)


2∣(a2+11) ⟹ 6∣a(a2+11)

If r = 4

​​⟹ a = 6q + 4

= 2(3q+2)


2∣a and (a2+11)

(a2+11) = 36q2 + 24q + 27

= 3(12q2+8q+9)

So, 3∣(a2+11) ⟹ 6∣a(a2+11)

⟹ 6a(a2+11)

If r = 5,

​⇒ a = 6q + 5

⇒ (a2+11) = 36q2 + 60q + 36

= 6(6q2+10q+6)

So, 6∣(a2+11)

⇒ 6 ∣ a(a2+11)

Therefore in all cases 6 ∣ a(a2+11)

We have proved that if a is an arbitrary integer, then 6∣a(a2+11).

We are given,

If a is an order integer, then 24 ∣ a(a2−1)

We have to establish the given assertion.

Since a is odd then a is in the form

a = 4k + 1 or

a = 4k + 3

= 4k−1.

Let​ a = 4k + 1

⟹ a2 = 16k2 + 8k + 1

= 8(2k2+k) + 1

so, a2= 8m + 1 where

m = 2k2 + k.

Thus,​a(a2−1) = (4k+1)(8m+1)

= 32km+8m

= 8(4km+m).

So 8∣a(a2−1)​⋯(1)

Similarly if a = 4k−1,k ∈ Z.

If r = 0

​⇒ 3∣a

⇒ 3∣a(a2−1).

If r = 1

​⇒ a = 3q + 1

⇒ a2 − 1 = 9q2 + 6q

= 3(3q2+2q).


⟹ 3a(a2−1)

If r = 2

​⟹ a = 3q + 2

⟹ a2−1 = 9q2 + 12q + 3

= 3(3q2+4q+1).

So,​ 3∣(a2−1)

⟹ 3a(a2−1)


gcd(8,3) = 1

24 ∣ a(a2−1)

We have proved that If a is an odd integer, then 24|a(a2-1).

We are given that a and b are odd integers.

We have to prove that 8∣(a2−b2)

Assuming that a,b are odd integers, then we have three cases,

If ​a = 4k+1

b = 4m+1


a2−b2 = (16k2+8k+1)−(16m2+8m+1)

= 16(k2−m2)+8(k−m)

= 8(2(k2−m2)+(k−m)).

Hence 8∣a2−b2

If​ a = 4k−1

b = 4m−1


a2−b2 = (16k2−8k+1)−(16m2−8m+1)

= 16(k2−m2)−8(k−m)

= 8(2(k2−m2)−(k−m))

Hence 8∣a2−b2

If​ a = 4k−1

b = 4m + 1


a2 − b2 = (16k2−8k+1) − (16m2+8m+1)

= 16(k2−m2) + 8(k+m)

= 8(2(k2−m2) + (k+m)).

Hence 8∣a2−b2

Therefore we conclude that 8∣a2−b2

We have proved that if a and b are odd integers, then 8∣(a2−b2)

We are given an assertion,

If a is an integer not divisible by 2 or 3, then 24∣(a2+23).

We have to prove the assertion.

As a is not divisible by 2, then a is odd. Thus a=4k+1 or 4k−1

Since a is not divisible by 3,Thus a = 3q + 1 or 3q + 2

Therefore we have four cases.

Case 1

If​ a = 4k + 1

= 3q + 1


(a2+23) = (16k2+8k+24)

(a2+23) = 8(2k2+k+3)

Thus 8∣(a2+23)…(1)


(a2+23) = 9q2 + 6q + 24

(a2+23) = 3(3q3+2q+8)

Thus 3∣(a2+23)…(2)

Therefore from(1) and (2) we have, 24∣(a2+23)

Case 2

If​ a = 4k−1

= 3q + 2


(a2+23) = (16k2−8k+24)

= 8(2k2−k+3).

Thus 8∣(a2+23)…(1)


(a2+23) = 9q2 + 12q + 27

(a2+23) = 3(3q3+4q+9)

Thus 3∣(a2+23)…(2)

Therefore from(1) and (2) we have, 24∣(a2+23)

Case 3

If a = 4k + 1

= 3q + 2


(a2+23) = (16k2+8k+24)

(a2+23) = 8(2k2+k+3)

Thus 8∣(a2+23)…(1)


(a2+23) = 9q2 + 12q + 27

(a2+23) = 3(3q3+4q+9)

Thus 3∣(a2+23)…(2)

Therefore from(1) and (2) we have,


Case 4

If ​a = 4k − 1

= 3q + 1


(a2+23) = (16k2−8k+24)

= 8(2k2−k+3).

Thus 8∣(a2+23)…(1)


(a2+23) = 9q2 + 6q + 24

(a2+23) = 3(3q2+2q+8)

Thus 3∣(a2+23)…(2)

Therefore from(1) and (2) we have,


Therefore we conclude that 24∣(a2+23)

Hence we have proved that if a is an integer not divisible by 2 or 3, then 24∣(a2+23).

We have to prove that if a is an arbitrary integer, then 360∣a2(a2−1)(a2−4).

We have,

a2(a2−1)(a2−4) = a2(a+1)(a−1)(a+2)(a−2)

= (a−2)(a−1)(a)(a+1)(a+2)(a)

Also 360 = 5 × 9 × 8 where5,8,9 are relatively prime.

Now we know that(a−2)(a−1)(a)(a+1)(a+2) is divisble by 24 and 120, and therefore it′s divisble by 8 and 5

Also,(a−2)(a−1)(a) and (a+1)(a+2)(a) are both divisible by 6 and so are both divisible by 3.

Thus(a−2)(a−1)(a)(a+1)(a+2)(a) is divisible by 9.



⇒ 360∣a2(a2−1)(a2−4)

We have proved that if a is an arbitrary integer, then 360∣a2(a2−1)(a2−4).


Page 25 Problem 20 Answer

We are given,

gcd(a,b) = 1

gcd(a,c) = 1

We have to prove that gcd(a,bc) = 1

We have,

​gcd(a,b) = 1

gcd(a,c) = 1


1 = ax + by

1 = af + ct

for some x,y,f,t in Z

Hence we have,

1 = (ax+by)(af+ct)

= a2xf + abyf + acxt + bcyt

= a(axf+byf+cxt) + bcyt

= ak1+ bck2

Therefore a, bc are relatively prime.

Hence, gcd(a,bc) = 1

We have proved that if,

gcd(a,b) = 1,

and gcd(a,c) = 1,

then gcd(a,bc) = 1

We are given,

gcd(a,b) = 1


We have to prove gcd(b,c) = 1

We have gcd(a,b) = 1

Therefore ax + by = 1 for some x,y in Z

Also as c∣a

There exist as in Z such that cs=a, where cs belongs to Z


cst + bf = 1

Thus gcd(b,c) = 1

We have proved that if gcd(a,b) = 1 and c∣a then, gcd(b,c) = 1

We have to prove that if gcd(a,b) = 1 then,

gcd(ac,b) = gcd(c,b)

Let gcd(c,b) = d, then there exists x,y in Z such that,

d = cx + by.

Since d∣c there existsn such that dn = c, and so we have,

d(na) = ca⟹d∣ca

⇒ d∣ca.

Now let k∣ac and k∣b, then there exists m such that km = b, therefore

d = cx + kmy.

Since gcd(a,b) = 1, there exists p,q such that,

ap + bq = 1


apc + bqc = c

⇒ d = (apc+bqc)x + kmy

d = acpx + knqcx + kmy


Hence there existsr such that kr = ac


d = krpx + knqcx + kny

d = k(rpx+nqcx+ny)

And hence k∣d and therefore gcd(c,b) = gcd(ac,b)

We have proved that if gcd(a,b) = 1 then,

gcd(ac,b) = gcd(c,b)

We are given,

gcd(a,b) = 1


We have to prove that,

gcd(a,c) = 1

gcd(b,c) = 1

If gcd(a,b) = c then there exists, x,y in Z such that,

c = ax + by

We have,c∣a + b therefore, there existsn such that cn = a + b and hence,

a = cn−b


(cn−b)x + by = 1

cnx − bx + by = 1

cnx + b(y−x) = 1

So gcd(c,b) = 1


cn − a = b

ax + (cn−a)y = 1

ax + cny − ay = 1

a(x−y) + cny = 1

So,gcd(c,a) = 1.

We have proved that if gcd(a,b) = 1, and c∣a + b then,

​gcd(a,c) = 1

gcd(b,c) = 1

We are given,

gcd(a,b) = 1



We have to prove that d∣c

We have,

gcd(a,b) = 1, then for some x,y in Z

ax + by = 1


c = cax + cby…(1)

Now as d∣ac


ac = dr

c = \(\frac{d r}{a}\)



⇒ bc = dm

⇒ c = \(\frac{d m}{b}\)

Using above (1) we get,

c = \(\frac{d r}{a} a x+\frac{d m}{b} b y\)

c = drx + dmy

c = d(rx+my)

Therefore d|c

We have proved if gcd(a,b) = 1,d∣ac, and d∣bc, then d∣c.


Page 26 Problem 21 Answer

Given : d ∣ n is given. We need to prove 2d−1∣2n−1.

We will do it by using the identity.

It is given that d∣n.

We can also write it as dm = n, here m is some integer.

So we can also write :

2n−1 = 2dm−1

= (2d)m−1

Now we will use the identity :

xk-1 = (x−1)(xk-1+xk-2+⋯+x+1)

Now we have ,

2n−1 = (2d)m−1

= (2d-1)((2d)m-1+(2d)m-2+⋯+(2d)+1)

Hence, 2d−1∣2n−1.

2d – 1|2n-1 by using the identity:

xk-1 = (x-1)(xk-1 + xk-2+…+x+1).

235 – 1 is given.

We will verity that 235-1 is divisible by 31 and 127.

We will do it by using the identity.

We have :

31 = 25−1 and 127=27−1

And we have that 5∣35.

Now using the identity :

xk-1 = (x−1)(xk-1+xk-2+⋯+x+1) we have ,

31 = 25−1∣235−1

And similarly we have 7∣35.

So, again using the identity we get :

127 = 27−1∣235−1

Yes, 235−1 is divided by 31 and 127.

Exercise 2.3 Burton Elementary Number Theory Problem Walkthrough

David Burton Elementary Number Theory Solutions Chapter 2 Divisibility Theory In The Integers Exercise 2.3 Page 26 Problem 22 Answer

Given : Let tndenote the nth triangular number.

We will find for what values of n does tn divide the sum t1+t2+⋯+tn.

We will do it by using the formula above.

We have:

t1 + t2 + …+ tn = \(\frac{n(n+1)(n+2)}{6}\)

tn = \(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\).

Now, therefore:


= \(\frac{n+2}{3}\)

So, at the \(\frac{n+2}{3}\) integer tn divides t1 + t2 + …. + tn.

Therefore, the form of n is n = 3k + 1 and the values of n are 1,4,7,10,……

At the \(\frac{n+2}{3}\) integer tn divides t1 + t2 + …. + tn.

Therefore, the form of n is n = 3k + 1 and the values of n are 1,4,7,10,….


Page 26 Problem 23 Answer

a | b is given.

We need to show that a| gcd(a,b)gcd(a,c).

We will prove it by using the formula of gcd(a,b).

a|bc is given that means bc = ax where x∈Z (let us consider this equation one).

Now we have :

gcd(a,b) = am + bn ,where m,n∈Z and

gcd(a,c) = ar + bs , where r,s∈Z.

Now we have :

gcd(a,b)⋅gcd(a,c) = a2mr + acms + abrn + bcns

Now using equation one we get :

= a2mr + acms + abrn + axns

= a(amr+cms+brn+xns)

Hence , a ∣ gcd(a,b)⋅gcd(a,c) is proved.

Yes, a∣gcd(a,b)⋅gcd(a,c) is proved.

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