Big Ideas Math Algebra 1 Student Journal 1st Edition Chapter 1 Solving Linear Equations Exercise 1.3

Page 12  Exercise 1  Answer

Given: The perimeters of 2 Figures are equal.
To find The perimeter of each polygon and the value of x. Evaluate to get the answer.

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Using the concept of equal perimeters, it can be written as
2x−2x+14=3x−2x+10     (Subtract 2x on both sides)

The perimeter is 5+4+5+2+4+2=22m.

The obtained value is x=4 and the perimeter is 22m.

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Page 12  Exercise 2  Answer


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To find Value of x. Evaluate to get the answer.

Using the fact that area and perimeter are equal,

⇒ ​5+5+2(4)+x=3x/2+4x
⇒ 18+x=3x/2+4x
⇒ 36+2x=3x+8x
⇒ 36+2x=11x
⇒ 36=11x−2x
⇒ 36=9x


Big Ideas Math Algebra 1 Student Journal 1st Edition Chapter 1 Solving Linear Equations Exercise 1.3

The area and perimeter obtained is 5+5+2(4)+4=22.

After evaluating the area obtained is 22.


Big Ideas MathAlgebra 1Student Journal 1st Edition Chapter 1 .3 Solving Equations with variables on both sides image 3

To find Value of x. Evaluate to get the answer.

Using the concept of area and perimeter are equal,

​⇒ 2x+6+4(1)=6x−2[2(1)]
⇒ 2x+10=6x−4
⇒ 2x+10−2x=6x−4−2x
⇒ 10=4x−4
⇒ 4x=14
⇒ x=14/4

∴ x=3.5

The area is 2(3.5)+6+4(1)=17.

After evaluating the area and perimeter obtained is 17.


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To find The area and perimeter of the. Evaluate to get the answer.

Using the given, we solve for x.

​2(2)+2x+π⋅2=[2(2)]x+π((22​)/ 2 )

The area obtained is


Perimeter =2.(l+b)+π.r2 where r=2

The area obtained is 8+2π

The perimeter obtained is 24.56

Page 13  Exercise 4  Answer

Given: The equations should be different.

To find: The 3 equations having variables on both sides. Evaluate to get the answer.

The 3 equations can be written as:
​(1) ​3x−7=4x−9
(2) 11−2x=7x+3
(3) 5−6x=9x−4

Solving for the equations,

  1. 3x−7=4x−9
  2. 11−2x=7x+3
  3.  5−6x=9x−4

The obtained values for the equations are ​x​=2, x=8/9, x=9/14

Page 15  Exercise 3  Answer

Given: The expression is​ 3k+45 =8k+25.

To find The value of constant k. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for k :

⇒ ​3k+45=8k+25
⇒  3k−8k=25−45
⇒  −5k=−20
⇒  −5k/−5=−20/−5
∴ k=4

The required solution is k=4.

Page 15  Exercise 4  Answer

Given: The expression is 3/4(48−16x)=4(4+2x).

To find The value of constant x. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for x :

3/4(48−16x)=4(4+2x)​                  (distribute)

3/4.48−3/4⋅(−16x)=4⋅4+4⋅2x​       (simplify)


12x−8x=16−36​                             (isolate  x)




The required solution is x=1.

Page 15  Exercise 5  Answer

Given: The expression is​ 5q+6=2q−2+q
To find The constant value q. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for q :

⇒ ​5q+6=2q−2+q
⇒ 5q−2q−q=−2−6
⇒ 2q=−8
⇒ q=-8/2
∴ q=−4

The required solution is q =−4.

Page 16  Exercise 7  Answer

Given: The expression is​ 6a−4 =3a+5.
To find The constant value of a. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for a :

⇒ ​6a−4=3a+5
⇒ 6a−3a=5+4
⇒ 3a=9
⇒ a=9/3


The required solution is a=3.

Page 16  Exercise 8  Answer

Given: The expression is​  2(4b−6)=4(3b−7).

To find: The constant value of evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for b:

⇒ ​2(4b−6)=4(3b−7)​               (distribute)
⇒  2.4b−2.6=4.3b−4.7            (simplify)
⇒  8b−12=12b−28           ​     (isolate b)
⇒  8b−12b=−28+12
⇒  −4b=−16
⇒  b=−16/−4

∴ b=4

The required solution is b=4.

Page 16  Exercise 9  Answer

Given : The given expression​ 8(2r−3)−r =3(3r+2)

To find The constant value of r.Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving  the  given equation:

Solve for r :

​⇒  8(2r−3)−r =3(3r+2)​              (distribute)
⇒  8.2r−8.(−3)=3.3r+3.2​            (simplify)
⇒  16r−24−r=9r+6​                   (isolate r)
⇒  16r−r−9r=6+24
⇒  6r=30
⇒  r=30/6


The required solution is r=5.

Page 16  Exercise  10 Answer

Given : The expression is​ 3x−8(2x+3) =−6(2x+5)

To find: The constant value of x Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for x :

⇒ ​3x−8(2x+3) =−6(2x+5)                  (distribute)
⇒  3x−(8.2x+8.3)=−6.2x+(−6.5)          (simplify)
⇒  3x−(16x+24)=−12x−30
⇒  3x−16x−24=−12x−30​                     (isolate x)
⇒  3x−16x+12x=−30+24
⇒  3x-4x=−6

∴ −x=6

The required solution is x=6.

Page 16  Exercise 11  Answer

Given : The expression is ​ 6(4s+12) =8(3s−14)

To find: The constant value of s Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for s :

​6(4s+12) =8(3s−14)​        (distribute)
6⋅4s+6⋅12=8⋅3s−8⋅14​      (simplify)
24s+72=24s−112​             (isolate s)
s has no solution.

This equation is not possible to exist. s has no solution.

Page 16  Exercise 12  Answer

Given: The expression is 16f+24=8(2f+3).

To find The number of solutions possible for the equation. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve f:

​16f+24=8(2f+3)​          (distribute)

We observe that both sides of the equation are equal, hence, if we use any value for f, then we can have many solutions for this equation.

We can have many values for f, then the equation has infinitely many solutions.

Page 16  Exercise 13  Answer

Given : The expression is 1/2(10+12n)=1/3(15n+15)

To find The number of solutions possible. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve for n :

1/2(10+12n)=1/3(15n+15)             (distribute)
​1/2.10+1/2.12n=1/3.15n+1/3.15   (simplify)
5+6n=5n+5                                  ​ (isolate n)

Only one solution is possible since n=0, this is a linear equation.

Page 16  Exercise 14  Answer

Given : The expression is 2/3(6j+9)=3j+7

To find: The number of solutions is possible for the equation. Evaluate to get the answer.

On solving the given equation :

Solve j :

2/3(6j+9)=3j+7               (distribute)
2/3.6j+2/3.9=3j+7           (simplify )
4j+6=3j+7                       (isolate j)

Only one solution is possible since j=1.

Page 16  Exercise 15  Answer

Given :

Big Ideas MathAlgebra 1Student Journal 1st Edition Chapter 1 .3 Solving Equations with variables on both sides image 5

The value of the surface area of a rectangular prism is equal to the value of the volume of the rectangular prism

To find The value of x. Evaluate to get the answer.

The surface area of a rectangular prism is given by:

⇒ S=2(lw+wh+lh)
Substitute l=6,w=x, and h=6 :
⇒ ​S=2(6⋅x+x⋅6+6⋅6)
⇒ S=2(6x+6x+36)
⇒ S=2(12x+36)
⇒ S=24x+72

The volume of a rectangular prism is given by:


where B is the area of the base and h is the height. From, the base is a rectangle so B=6x. We also have h=6:

​⇒ V=(6x)(6)
⇒ V=36x

The values of the surface area and volume are equal so :

⇒ S=V
⇒ 24x+72=36x
⇒ 72= 36x−24x
⇒ 72=12x
⇒ 12x= 72
⇒ x=72/12

∴ x=6 units

The required value of x is x=6 units.

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